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Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Japan hasn't confirmed a news report that a body, believed to be that of an Asian male, was found in Iraq, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told reporters in Tokyo.

Japan hasn't yet been able to win the release of a hostage taken by an Islamic terrorist group, two days after the organization said it would behead the Japanese man unless the country withdraws its troops from Iraq within 48 hours.

The group, led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian linked to al-Qaeda, on Tuesday posted on its Web site a video showing a man in a white T-shirt with shoulder-length hair, later identified as 24-year-old Shosei Koda.

Koizumi reiterated his previous statement that the government will do all it can to solve the problem, adding he hasn't received any further information about the kidnap victim or the hostage-taker. He decline to comment further.

Japan has about 600 soldiers based near the southern Iraqi town of Samawah, in what is the first Japanese overseas military deployment under its own flag since World War II. The troops are distributing aid and rebuilding roads and other infrastructure.

The government has sent Senior Vice Foreign Minister Shuzen Tanigawa to Jordan to set up a command post to handle the situation.

In April, a terrorist group in Iraq kidnapped five Japanese civilians, all of whom were later released unharmed.

To contact the reporters for this story:
Tak Kumakura in Tokyo at tkumakura@bloomberg.net
Keiichi Yamamura in Tokyo at kyamamura@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Chris Wellisz at cwillisz@bloomberg.net

Last Updated: October 29, 2004 00:14 EDT

